What to Expect After Hand Rejuvenation Procedure

As people age, their hands tend to lose youthful fat. This results in hands that look older and appear sunken. When it comes to most cosmetic treatments, such as a facelift or Botox, people are often quick to react. However, most people tend to forget about their hands until they look at them and realize they look older than they feel.


Signs of Aging on the Hands

One of the revealing signs of aging can become apparent when you look at your hands. You may take steps to keep your neck, face, and body looking youthful. However, wrinkled, thin, veiny, sun-damaged hands can make you look older than you are or feel. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to rejuvenate your hands and make them appear more youthful.


Hand Rejuvenation

Your hands can reveal several signs of aging just as much as your face. Are you looking to improve the texture and quality of the skin on your hands? Do you want to reduce prominent veins and wrinkling? If so, you should consider undergoing a hand rejuvenation procedure.

The aging process can cause your hands to lose their plumpness and firmness, making them appear fragile and bony. However, a hand rejuvenation procedure can give your hands a youthful appearance. The procedure may involve the use of some of the procedures meant to enhance the appearance of your face.

The procedure may involve filler injections to add volume and laser skin resurfacing to reduce liver spots on your hands. From fat transfer to chemical peels for the hands, various cosmetic procedures can help improve the look of your hands.


Should You Consider Hand Rejuvenation?

This cosmetic procedure can be either non-surgical or surgical. If you feel embarrassed or self-conscious by visible spots, veins, and other signs of aging on your hands, you may benefit from this procedure.

Therefore, you should consider consulting a cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon will listen to your expectations and examine your hands to figure out the most appropriate treatment plan.


What to Expect After the Procedure

Following the procedure, you should expect some bruising and swelling on the treatment area during the first week or so. If you are like most patients, your swelling should improve within the first ten days of recovery.

A good way to hide the bruising and swelling is through the application of makeup. After about six months, you should notice a significant improvement in skin texture and the overall appearance of your hands. However, you need to strictly follow the post-op instructions your doctor gives you for optimal results.


How Long Will the Results Last?

Depending on the form of treatment you undergo, you may begin to notice positive results immediately following the procedure. Rejuvenation treatments involving fat grafting or fillers often provide immediate benefits. Others may take a while before you start noticing the results.

Most hand rejuvenation procedures provide long-lasting results. But as you age, you may start noticing the return of some signs of aging on your hand. In this case, you should consider getting additional touch-up treatments.

To learn more about hand rejuvenation procedures, visit Texas Plastic Surgery at our office in San Antonio, Texas. You can call (210) 934-8400 today to schedule an appointment.

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