What Is Done in a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is also called a forehead lift. The procedure aims to improve how the area surrounding your eyes, brow, and forehead appears. It entails raising the skin and soft tissue of your brow and forehead.

You may undergo the procedure if your brows are low, uneven, or sagging. Doing so also boosts your confidence. Additionally, you can get only a brow lift or combine it with other procedures on your face.


Why Get a Brow Lift?

The main reason people get a brow lift is because of the effect of aging. Aging will cause your brows to move down. It is because your soft tissue and skin lose their elasticity after being stretched.

As a result, the gap between the eyelashes and eyebrows shortens. It can make you appear angry, sad, or tired. A brow lift raises your eyebrows, giving you a more refreshed look. A brow lift may be perfect for you if your upper eyelids are sagging or low brows.


What to Expect During a Brow Lift

You can undergo the treatment in an outpatient surgical center or a hospital. During the procedure, you will typically be sedated with an anesthetic administered through an IV in your arm to make you comfortable. Your surgeon may also opt to give you general anesthesia.


During the Procedure

Depending on what you want eventually, brow lift procedures vary. The specific method chosen by your surgeon determines the incision location and resulting scars. Some of the techniques include:


Temporal Brow Lift 

Your surgeon makes a small incision near the temples, just behind the hairline.


Endoscopic Brow Lift 

Your surgeon makes numerous tiny holes behind the hairline. They then insert a thin tube with a small camera and a light through one of the tiny holes. This helps them view the muscles and tissues under the skin.

Next, your surgeon lifts the forehead tissues using an apparatus inserted through another incision. They then secure everything using small screws, sutures, or other methods. Then, they close the incisions with small clips or stitches.


Coronal Brow Lift 

Your surgeon makes an incision from ear to ear across the top of the head, just behind the hairline. They will then lift your forehead to its new position. As a result, the scalp in front of the incision will overlap the one behind it. The extra scalp is carefully removed, and the remaining scalp is sewn together.


Direct Brow Lift

Here, your surgeon removes the skin above your eyebrows. This procedure is typically ideal for people with bushy eyebrows. The surgery is shorter and is often done with local anesthesia, numbing only the required body area.

This procedure typically takes approximately one to two hours. Your surgeon will give instructions on caring for your incision. You may experience numbness or itching as your incisions heal, which typically fade over time. If your surgeon used bandages, they might come off in one to three days. Your surgeon should also remove your sutures after seven to ten days.

For more on what a brow lift entails, call Dr. Andrew Friedman in San Antonio, Texas, at (210) 934-8400 to schedule an appointment today.

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