Maintaining a healthy weight can be tricky and requires dedication. While most people want slimmer body contours, they would be fortunate to achieve these through exercise and diet alone. That is why many people choose liposuction to remove stubborn fat almost instantly. That way, they will only have to spend a few hours at the gym or turn to fad diets.
Liposuction is an ideal cosmetic procedure for people looking to improve their body contour and shape. It is an effective way to remove those stubborn fat deposits. However, it is crucial to understand that liposuction is not a weight loss solution. You must take steps to maintain your new figure. Some of the tips for maintaining liposuction results include:
To maintain your results, follow a healthy diet. The following steps can help:
Consume less salt
Choose starchy carbs
Favor lean proteins like fish and chicken
Consume plenty of veggies and fruits
Avoid refined sugars and saturated fats
A registered dietician can help you develop healthy eating ideas if you feel stuck in a rut.
Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that can safely remove up to 11 pounds of fat cells. It removes those fat cells for good, but you can still gain more weight if you are not careful. One of the best ways to maintain your results is to work hard to stay at your new weight.
Water is one of the healthiest drinks, so you should drink about two liters daily. However, the amount of water you consume will vary depending on your activity levels and body type. Some of the health benefits of drinking plenty of water include:
Controlling calories
Balancing body fluids
Boosting focus and productivity
It helps metabolism and digestion
Also, drinking water throughout the day can help avoid the hunger that leads to frequent snacking and maintain energy levels.
Once your doctor clears you to resume vigorous activities, it is best to continue with regular exercise. Lipo is an invasive procedure that can be pretty expensive. So, you should get at least 30 minutes of daily exercise to keep your new figure. Whether you work out alone at home or hire a trainer, physical activity is necessary for your liposuction results and overall health.
Consider eating 5 to 7 smaller meals daily instead of 3 larger meals. Doing so will help you avoid the unhealthy snacks you frequently crave when you get hungry. Furthermore, smaller meals will help you maintain your energy levels.
Following the post-op recommendations from your cosmetic surgeon is the best way to ensure a healthy, smooth recovery. Also, no one is better to help you maintain your new shape. They will give you all the information you need to stay fit and healthy.
Liposuction can dramatically improve your shape, but it is not magic. You can regain weight after your procedure, albeit in different body areas. The tips discussed above can help you protect your investment in yourself.
For more about maintaining liposuction results, contact Texas Plastic Surgery at our San Antonio, Texas, office. Call (210) 934-8400 to schedule an appointment today.
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